Defconn、全烋星、李伊庚確定成為SBS PLUS、skyTV的NQQ頻道播出的新約會節目《我是SOLO》3名MC。
8.0 廚藝大師(美版)第十四季
2024 歐美綜藝簡介: In 2024, US MasterChef enters its 14th season with an all new theme - MasterChef: Generations. Premiering from Wednesday, May 29 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT), Gordon Ramsay, acclaimed chef Aarón Sánchez and renowned restaurateur Joe Bastianich return for the ultimate cook-off. 2024 sees top home cooks from four different generations, inclusive of Gen Z, Millenials, Gen X and Baby Boomers, battle it out. The home cooks will face a multitude of cooking trials, including a restaurant takeover challenge, a series of iconic Mystery Box challenges, cooking a meal at the Major League Soccer LAFC stadium, and the fan-favorite Tag Team event, where they must create a Michelin-star quality three-course meal! Only one home cook will win it all and take home the cash prize of $250,000 and the title of America’s MasterChef. -
9.0 中華好詩詞大學季第二季
9.0 跑住玩
3.0 梅根的愛心烹飪
9.0 江湖見
3.0 好好學習知行季
2025 大陸綜藝簡介:2024年是中華人民共和國成立75周年,根據國家廣電總局2024年重大主題宣傳策劃方案的通知要求,圍繞“弘揚以偉大建黨精神為源頭的中國共產黨人精神譜係”主題,以偉大實踐產生偉大精神,偉大精神推動偉大事業為著力點,以“知行合一”的學習態度,帶領年輕一代走進共產黨人精神譜係誕生地,感受傳承偉大的精神力量。每期節目將選取中國共產黨人精神譜係中的某一個或多個偉大精神,由節目主持人、青年代表組成知行團,來到這些偉大精神的發源地和相關場景,進行學習和體驗。節目以行進式體驗、互動式感受、通俗化解讀相結合的豐富性綜藝手法,將中國共產黨人精神譜係的知識予以呈現和表達,並且通過典型人物、生動故事,鮮活、形象地闡發時代精神,引發觀眾共情,傳遞奮進力量。最終知行團將體驗過程形成一條愛國主義教育的遊學路線,向大眾推廣。