“一部下流、血腥的殺人狂電影”。 該片由“毀童年恐怖電影”專業戶ITN出品,但故事不是設定在他們的恐怖片宇宙(Poohverse)中。
3.0 寂靜之夜
2024 恐怖簡介: Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels confused and out of place in his daily life. He decides to end his acting career and soon winds up in a nursing home. In this new place, the elderly man misses his late wife. He starts having nightmares that seem to become real. In one of them, he discovers a passage into a magical world deceptively similar to his theatre. Lucjan starts living in two parallel dimensions – real life and the fairy tale – that become increasingly dependent on each other and intertwined. His immersion in the imaginary world leads to an unexpected ending. A bittersweet treatise on passing. The fairy-tale world Lucjan creates is not so much a metaphor for death as a symbolic reconciliation to its coming. -
8.0 傑瑟普湖
5.0 不當表現
2.0 公寓2024
5.0 黑修女們
2.0 腥心眼