倪婕(鄭惠玉 飾)和齊欣(林梅嬌 飾)是職業自由搏擊選手,在一場比賽中,兩人正在為了爭奪最後的冠軍而進行著激烈的角逐。就在這個節骨眼上,齊欣母親的不幸去世令齊欣失去了鬥誌,比賽被迫中斷,此時的齊欣並不知道,造成母親死亡的罪魁禍首,竟然就是倪婕的母親美英。 悲痛的齊欣決定懲奸除惡,做一名警察。機緣巧合之下,她和倪婕再度成為了同事。與此同時,近日來接連發生的女匪打劫事件讓市民們陷入了恐慌,兩名弱女子對抗強大的黑惡勢力,她們有獲勝的可能嗎?齊欣終於知道了關於母親之死的真相,憤怒和悲傷中,她決定絕不輕易原諒倪婕和美英。
2.0 紅色區域
2024 海外簡介:Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother, Adi. As an older sister, Maya always tried to keep Adi safe and out of trouble. Maya's efforts were successful at first. Adi and Maya's lives were peaceful. However, the peace of life suddenly changed drastically when Adi suddenly disappeared without a trace. Maya immedia... -
3.0 楓糖大劫案
5.0 塞納
1.0 道格拉斯被取消了
2024 海外簡介:“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline. Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper edi... -
8.0 撥雲見日第一季
2024 海外簡介:Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel (Agam Darshi, DMZ), a professional seeing-eye guid... -
1.0 重返天堂島
2024 海外簡介:The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studioses Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twis...