4.0 沒事,沒事,沒事!
2.0 雪中的貝尼多爾姆
6.0 浪潮2024
2024 劇情簡介:Czech actor-turned-director Jiří Mádl has wrapped shooting on his third fiction feature, Waves, which centres on the turbulent period of the Warsaw Pact invasion, a seminal moment in modern Czechoslovak history. The period drama is inspired by real-life correspondents from the Czechoslovak Radio International Bureau during the late 1960s. The film, set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Prague Spring and the 1968 invasion, tells the story of two brothers navigating the challenges of the period. The protagonists are Tomáš and his younger sibling, who find themselves in the midst of the 1968 May Day Parade outside the Czech Radio building, where the film crew has been shooting some scenes. The foreign radio department was known for independent news reporting despite the prevalsent censorship. However, the blossoming of the communist regime will soon be abruptly halted by the Warsaw Pact tanks. -
3.0 昨日青春
2024 劇情簡介:近未來的東京,一場即將到來的災難性地震讓人們惶恐不安,生活陰雲密布。一對好朋友優太(栗原颯人 飾)和洸(日高由起刀 飾)即將高中畢業。然而,某天晚上,兩人合夥捉弄了校長,導致學校安裝了監控係統。在這令人窒息的監視係統和日益嚴峻的國家政治局勢中,洸對世界愈發感到失望,而優太卻似乎完全沒有意識到這一點。 洸在一位充滿激情的學生活動家(禱雲母 飾)身上找到了共鳴,他的政治意識也隨之覺醒。他認為優太永遠無法理解自己這份新的熱情所在,便開始疏遠優太。兩人自幼結下的深厚友誼,也首次因從未表達過的分歧而麵臨考驗。 -
4.0 恰恰2024
2024 劇情簡介:デザイン事務所で働くイラストレーターのチャチャ。自由奔放な振る舞いで周囲から反感を買うこともあるが、人目は気にせず、好きなように生きるをモットーに過ごす日々。ある時、屋上で偶然出逢った樂(らく)にチャチャは興味を持つ。お互いに好きなものは正反対だけど、「2人いたら丁度いい」と次第に惹かれていくが・・・。野良貓係女子の予測不能な戀の顛末とは!? 酒井麻衣監督が贈る、ビザール(=風変わりな)ラブストーリーが誕生! -
8.0 色多多在线观看视频從煙硝開始